ICE 2017 Microgaming Tourney in Gaming IndustryThe annual donations of this magnificent company get higher each year. The ICE is organized especially by MPN, and it took 3 days from 7th till 9th of February, 2017. The ExCel Center agreed to host that action. It is a luxury yacht hotel, called Sunborn London. That year it included around 80 people from different countries, who played varieties of games and agreed to give obtained money for particular needs.

The Purpose of the MPN Tournament at ICE 2017

All the income of the Microgaming tourney has a particular purpose – charity. Usually, there is a list of different companies, who receive the assets and then use it to help people or to invest in the research for finding a cure. This time was not an exception, and it was possible to choose the right institution. On the official website of provider, everyone can find feedbacks from the management of such hospitals or laboratories.

Winners and the Prize

In totals, around £7,000 were distributed to the appropriate destination. The highest single payment had been won by Alan. His sum came to £3,000. The second place was taken by Sean Auret. He successfully targeted the right combination and acquired £2,000. Afterwards, J-C. Antoine got £1,000 using online service Betsson AB.Gaming Industry Tourney at Microgaming ICE 2017

Charity to Teenage Cancer Trust

The main price of Mr. Alan sent to that group. This is a great company in the UK, which was established in 1990 and, consequently, has got around 25 years of experience. They claim that each day at least 7 young people in the UK from 13 till 24 years old start to fight against cancer. Thus, the trust serves to give a maximum of their help and assistance. Many volunteers and 28 excellent specialists provide their best for these persons.

Donations to Save the Rhino Program

The amount of £2,000 went for the environmental purposes. The institution works to share information and to promote the protection of rhinos around the world. Indeed, there are less than 30,000 of them in all the continents, mainly in Africa and Asia, including different kinds. For instance, black rhinos were the most popular type. In 1970 there were 70,000 individuals. In 1990 – only 2,410!Gaming Industry with ICE 2017 Contest from Microgaming

Side Events in Gaming Industry

Microgaming makes more than 10 different contests per year exclusively to donate the income. The crew understands the importance of the changes in many vectors: people’s health, environment, rights of women, forced labor issues, protection of animals and plants, etc. Consequently, there is special trust within the company, called Health and Care. It participates in organizing gambling events and tournaments, rallies, kart racing, marathons, etc.

Bounty from Microgaming CEO

The Chief Executive, Roger Raatgever, was lucky to win £500. He decided to give it all to “The Children’s Centre”. This organization officially exists with this title from 2009. However, it has long development, which goes back to 1968!

The aim refers to helping the youth to understand their capabilities and to find their place in life. They frequently create different events with sport, music, drawings, readings and other important activities to realize, what each particular child likes the most.Microgaming Arranges ICE 2017 Competition for Gaming Industry Lovers

Tourney in Sit n Go

Another significant donation took place in ICE 2017 Tournament. Rory Cartwright won £500 in Betsson and sent them to MS Society group. The company helps people with multiple sclerosis. There are around 100,000 of them in the United Kingdom, and the quantity is getting higher. The community includes specialists, scientists, and volunteers to ensure the best treatment for the persons with this disease.